Brent'sAntiques Inc. - Buying & Selling WWII Authentic German WWII & Civil War Military items Daggers, Swords, Medals, Decorations, Helmets, Insignia, Pins, Awards, Buckles, Field Gear

Emilie Caldwell Stewart - Emilie Caldwell Stewart's fine original WW1 & WW2 German militaria paper collectibles. All items are purchased in Germany and unquestionable originals. From the common Wehrpass to the ultra rare Soldbuch, it can be found here.

Luger Artillery and Mauser Parabellum - The first site focused on the Luger Artillery and Mauser Parabellum by Mauro Baudino.

Ron Wolin Militaria - Collector and Dealer in both German and U.S. Militaria. I buy and sell, and trades are always considered. Visit my site for more.


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